NHS Friends and Family Results

Answer Total
Very Good 4221
Neither Good Nor Poor 896
Good 2607
Very Poor 454
Poor 506
Don't Know 93
Results in bar chart format

What you had to tell us

We asked... "Please can you tell us why you gave that response?"

Comment Date
Because I was happy with the service Wednesday 17 July
Regular communication and reminders for checkups Wednesday 17 July
Firstly major difficulty in obtaining an appointment. Secondly being offered an appointment to far in the future, this creates major concerns in getting a resolution before complications set in! Thirdly options given to call 111 is not an option, as it simply does not work, and is not fit for purpose. Wednesday 17 July
After waiting 40mins for appointment. Apparently I was put in wrong waiting room, and while at reception the Dr phoned me to ask where I was. The Drs office wax on ground floor, Wednesday 17 July
Running a little late but otherwise straight forward. Surgery needs redecorating. Positive and friendly treatment from both receptionist and doctor. Wednesday 17 July